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everything starts from within

everything starts from within

We the parents can definitely say that our children have an enormous capacity for learning and assimilating knowledge, much greater than our own. We have the responsibility to use this critical piece of information to help them improve and create a better life for themselves.
We can contribute to their success by supporting them, helping them focus and promoting success generating activities. We want to prevent situations or events in which our children will be exposed to any degree of negative influence or any cult trying to enchant them to their way of life, even for a tiny part of their lives.

Our purpose is prevention – whenever any such event might occur, our child should be able to say no and prevent the escalation of such situations. As parents we would like to pass on our knowledge and the tools, to our kids so they can handle these situations or avoid them.

One of my greatest insights is that – "everything starts from within". That is for our results to change we must change something inside.

What happens inside?
Our results are a reflection of our inside, so when our children susceptible to negative influence or negative propaganda – something inside is not working, and this is where our strength lies, in assisting and supporting them through;
• Increasing the self confidence, the self worth and the personal image
• Loving oneself, and having a strong faith in myself and my beliefs
• Improved attitude enabling them to handle situations and making the right choices in life
• Responsibility for ones thoughts, feelings and actions
• Our freedom of choice as human beings
• Thinking of the results I want in life

The way to empower the children and the youngsters to create a strong and stable inner core is through teaching the proper tools and using them, in seminars, presentations, personal sessions, open conversations and an open hot line.